
Scouts are a go-getting group of young people aged 10½ to 14 who:
  • Master new skills and try new things
  • Make new friends
  • Have fun and go on adventures, at home and abroad
  • Explore the world around them
  • Help others and make a difference in their own communities and beyond

Week in and week out, they gather in groups called Scout Troops to conquer the small task of changing the world.

1st Radyr has two Scout Troops which meet on a Monday and Wednesday, 19:30 – 21:15.

What Scouts get up to

Discovering the world

Being a Scout is all about discovering the world on your own terms and making the most of what you have, wherever and whoever you are.

Alongside your new friends, you’ll master the skills that will help you weather the storms of life and try things you’d never get the chance to do at home or school – working with trained volunteers to achieve whatever you set your mind to.

Starting small, thinking big

Scouts start small but think big. They stand up for what they believe in and make a difference on their doorstops, confident in the knowledge that their daily actions add up.

In a society that can often feel increasingly isolated and inward-facing, Scouts build bridges and break barriers.

They’ve played all sorts of useful roles in society throughout history, and this legacy continues today.

Listening in, lending a hand

Scouts seek answers to the big questions and the smaller questions that don’t seem to matter but really should. Most importantly, they say yes more often than they say no – whether they’re taking part in their first-ever camp away from home, or writing their first line of code, or accepting the last of the toasted marshmallows.

Sound like fun? That’s because it is. All that’s missing is you.

Who leads Scouts?

Each Scout Troop is made up of young people aged 10½  to 14, led by trained adult volunteers who are on hand to share their skills and keep everyone safe. Traditionally, Scout leaders were nicknamed ‘Skip’ – an abbreviation of ‘Skipper’, a name given to a ship’s captain. In some Troops, this name is still used, but these days it’s more common for Scout leaders to use their real names like in our group. Other young people aged 14 to 18 might help out, too. These are young people taking part in the Explorer Scout Young Leader programme.

Within their Troop, Scouts are part of a Patrol. A patrol is a smaller group of Scouts who look out for one another and help each other grow. Patrols are headed up by a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders are Scouts who are chosen to take on leadership responsibilities, such as welcoming new people to the Troop, being extra helpful on camp, or taking charge of a particular game or activity.

The bigger Scout family

There are Scouts all over the world. From the rainy rainforests of the Amazon to the smallest of the Scottish Isles, Scouts are a part of this worldwide Scout family. Closer to home, they’re also part of their wider local Scout Group, alongside Beavers (aged 6 to 8) and Cubs (aged 8 to 10½). When they’re older, they can also join Explorers (for young people aged 14 to 18) and Scout Network (for young people aged 18-25). Although both are closely associated with the younger sections, they are not part of the local Scout Group.

Promises & Ceremonies

Every Scout is unique, but they find common ground in their shared Scout values and make a promise to stick by them.

Making a promise when you join the Troop is a way of celebrating these values. Whenever a new Scout decides to join, they chat through their promise with their leader before saying it out loud in front of their fellow Scouts.

The process usually takes place once you’ve had a few weeks to settle in and is known as being ‘invested’ into Scouts. Usually, the promise ceremony happens in a place you’ve chosen or in a memorable place that means a lot to the group.

Investitures can be held in your usual meeting place, or it could happen around the campfire, or it could happen on a boat sailing the seven seas. Regardless, it’s a big celebration for all involved, and it’s not uncommon for family and friends to join your fellow Scouts as they cheer you on.

Scouts choose the promise that best suits them.


Scout uniform consists of a teal green shirt or blouse with their badges sewn on and a coloured scarf or ‘necker’, representing our group. Alongside their shirts, Scouts should wear a pair of activity trousers. You can wear lots of other optional accessories such as hats, hoodies, navy blue trousers or shorts if you’d like to. 

We provide the necker, woggle and all badges.

Why uniform is important

Wearing a uniform is comfy and practical. It means no one feels uncomfortable or left out and helps everyone feel part of the Troop. It also gives you a place to show off all the badges you earn.

Where to buy uniform

Uniform can be bought from our online area shop or in-person from the Hub in Cardiff (If buying in person, mention that you are from 1st Radyr Scout Group as we then get a % back). If you’re stuck, ask our adult volunteers to tell you more about what to buy and where to buy it. If cost is an issue, they will be more than happy to see how we can help.


There are lots of awards for Scouts to earn during their time with us. Click on the buttons below to find out more.

Badge Placement

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

Find out more