Parking Restrictions – GSL Update 27/03/2023

Please be aware that new signage has been put up at the hall regarding parking restrictions. This will be coming into force on 10/04/2023.
This is in response to a few issues at the hall, which are outlined below:

  1. Recently, there was an incident at the hall where a member of the public had parked on our site unauthorised and subsequently caused damage to the hall, for which building works are currently ongoing. Luckily these reinstatement works are covered by our insurance, but we do not want to see a repeat of this.
  2. There are safety concerns with regard to parents of Radyr Primary children using the hall forecourt as a parking area for picking up from school. The after-school club that hires the hall walk their children back, and having cars reversing coming in and out of the forecourt is considered a hazard, and the restrictions aim to reduce the risk of injury.
  3. People parking at the hall, who shouldn’t be, take up spaces required by our volunteers and contractors when on site.
  4. Spaces are required for pickup and drop off to breakfast and afterschool clubs, along with hall users that have booked the hall for private use and require parking for guests/service users.

At the end of the day, the hall and forecourt are private property owned by the 1st Radyr Scout Group, and those not associated with the running of the charity or those that are booked hall users should not be parking on site.

The layby outside the hall is not the Scout Group’s, so you can still park there (2 spaces). You will notice the new white H-Bar lines the council has put down. These are not to be parked on at any time. Parking here blocks our dropped curb access which is required for both general and emergency use.

If you are not meant to be parked on the forecourt (essentially if you do not have a physical or virtual permit), then 1st Radyr Scout Group is not liable for any parking charge notices, which will be payable by the individual to whom they are addressed. 1st Radyr Scout Group can not do anything about retrospectively reversing charges.
1st Radyr Scout Group does not gain monetarily from these parking restrictions in any way. The parking restriction service is free of charge and administered by an external company – Premier Park.

Dwayne Fields proudly holds the title of the UK's 11th Chief Scout

An explorer, adventurer and TV presenter, Dwayne's been seen in BAFTA nominated Channel 5 series Race to the Pole, on BBC Springwatch, Countryfile, National Geographic and Disney+.

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